Monday 26 November 2007

Howard's media cheer leaders change their tune now there's a new boy going to The Lodge

Yes, a week is definitely a long time in politics and for some journalists one special day can change their tune completely.
It's all Howard's fault and "Work Choices was his fatal obsession and climate change his historic oversight." cries Glenn Milne. Then he goes on to lament that "Lazarus with a triple bypass" has reached from just beyond the point of political extinction to achieve his ultimate personal aim; denying Peter Costello his chance to lead the Liberal Party.
There is only one conclusion here; Howard has likely incinerated two generations of Liberal leadership on the bonfire of his own vanity. The most accurate statement the outgoing prime minister made in his concession speech on Saturday night was that he "owed the Liberal Party more than the Liberal Party owed him".
The Australian Milne articles yesterday:
Piers Akerman pontificates that it is all Howard's fault because "The exit polls from yesterday's election would indicate that Mr Howard's decision to hang onto the prime ministership last year may have played a major factor in his government's defeat."
The Daily Telegraph Akerman article yesterday:
Howard is all but ignored by a reborn Dennis Shanahan who gives an upbeat opinion on the new Prime Minister-elect under the headline "New PM on the edge of greatness".
The Australian Shanahan article today:
Janet Albrechtsen is yet to publish this week, but I bet her piece will be a doozey.

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