
Monday 2 August 2010

2010 Election Campaign Day 17 - Wot's on Abbott's mind

Wordle: Tony Abbott's speech to the Sydney Institute
Wordle of Abbott's speech to the Sydney Institute 27th July this year

Once more around the park with Tony Abbott as he channels John Howard and George Pell.

"Laurie Oakes: They say people change their minds, but you change yours a lot for someone who wants to be Prime Minister. I mean, now, you're talking about changing the paid parental leave scheme again and you haven't held that position through you the election campaign?
Tony Abbott: Labor can't have it both ways. On the one hand, they can't say that I'm an old-fashioned ogre, and on the other hand, say that I change my mind too much.
Oakes: Do we want a Prime Minister who changes his mind all the time? And you can't believe what he says because he's a weather vain?
Abbott: As I said, I'll leave all of this to the public to judge. I mean, on the one hand, you've got the Labor Party saying that I'm desperately old-fashioned and reactionary and on the other hand you've got the Labor Party saying that I change my mind all the time so I think the Labor Party needs to...
Oakes: It's not the Labor Party saying it, I'm saying it.
Abbott: I think that Labor needs to get its story straight, Laurie.
Oakes: You know that I'm not spouting Labor Party lines. This is fact, I'm quoting you, not the Labor Party." {Televised interview Channel 9 Aug 1st, 2020}

"I want to caution people against expecting enormous dollars" {Jul 29th, 2010 Sydney Morning Herald speaking about Coalition's aged care policy}

"I certainly get women, but obviously I've got some marketing to do." {Jul 27th, 2010}

"Ladies and gentlemen, my life is full of strong women. I have a wife, Margie, who is an independently minded career woman. I have three sisters. I have three powerful young women - they are my daughters...."{Jul 24th, 2010 Sydney Morning Herald}

"The immigration program should focus on immigrants who will make a contribution to our country and who are likely to be proud of their new nationality."{Jul 24th, 2010 Sydney Morning Herald}

“We'll stop the boats.” {Jul 20th, 2010}

"I say that interest rates will always be lower under a coalition government because spending will always be less under a coalition government." {Jul 19th, 2010 Sydney Morning Herald}

"I can't give an absolute guarantee about every single aspect of workplace relations. Obviously I can't say that there will never ever ever for 100 or 1000 years time be any change..." {Jul 18th, 2010}

"We are ready to govern." {Jul 16th, 2010 Vancouver Sun}

"Don't forget that I'm a 52-year-old bloke from a fairly traditional background." {Jul 5th, 2010 Melbourne Community Voice}

"I probably feel a bit threatened" {March 8th, 2010 reply when asked about his view of homosexuality}

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has confirmed that the Coalition is considering a scheme which could deny the dole to people under 30. {April 21st, 2010 ABC News}

"it is the greatest gift that you can give someone, the ultimate gift of giving and don’t give it to someone lightly, that is what I would say.” {Jan 27th, 2020 Australian Women's Weekly on the subject of virginity}

''Many pensioners are doing it tough, but $35 a week increase is an enormous hit on the revenue. We're talking here about possibly $6 billion a year. The economic circumstances of Australia are much different now than they were 12 months ago.'' {Feb 19th, 2009 ABC "PM"}

"religious faith is not some kind of contaminant to be driven out of our public life" {Feb 15th, 2006 House of Representatives in Open Australia}

''Mr. Speaker, we have a bizarre double standard in this country where someone who kills a pregnant woman's baby is guilty of murder but a woman who aborts an unborn baby is simply exercising choice'' {Feb 15th, 2006 House of Representativesin Open Australia}

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