
Thursday 19 February 2015

Debrah Novak throws her hat into the ring for Clarence at the NSW state election this month

Debrah Novak
Candidate For Clarence

Media Release

A surprise candidate has thrown her hat in the ring for Clarence at the state election next month.

Yamba woman Debrah Novak is running as an independent.

Ms Novak has lived in the electorate for more than 30 years and raised her three adult children here.

"I have worked and played in most corners of the Clarence electorate for over 30 years and believe this unique region is worth holding onto for future generations," Ms Novak said yesterday.

"I am not a career politician and until recently had no desire to go into politics.

"However, I will not stand by and watch the Clarence be stripped of jobs and have its farmland devastated by people who have no interest in us.

"One of my reasons for running is to put our local community front and centre.

"It is a daunting task to take on the might and money of a political party as an independent. However, I am determined to get better representation for the Clarence.

"What gave me the fire in the belly was the march against CSG I attended in Sydney organised by the NSW Farmers Association a couple of years ago.

"In it, the NSW Country Women's Association marched for the first time in its 90-year history.

"I stood among 5000 country folk who went to Sydney to take part in the march.

"I figured if these amazing folk had it in them to step up for the first time, I needed to do what I could to support the Clarence.

"If our political parties and politicians are not protecting their people and land, ordinary people must step up and do it.

"Join me in the new dawn of Australian politics, where people and communities matter," Ms Novak said.

Ms Novak will host a number of forums across the electorate where you can contribute your views and opinions on a range of issues. Other candidates are welcome to attend so we can all hear what voters want.

If you would like to get involved or would like to find out more about Debrah Novak's campaign and how she plans to support the Clarence visit her website , phone or text M:0499796297, or email


  1. Hmm, has Deb thrown in the towel already, can't seem to find the website?

  2. Try

  3. Try this link instead. The Website was only launched early this morning and will take a few days to pop up in a search engine.
    Hope this helps.


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