Tuesday 8 January 2013

Ethical Investors Please Note: Metgasco gets a little free advertising

Just a normal working day for Metgasco as it enters PEL426 to commence exploratory
drilling with a police tactical response group escort on 7 January 2013 
Is it any wonder that Metgasco's share price is still heading south?
North Coast residents have stated that they will be at the drilling site again today, making this by my count the 49th day of continuous protest there.

Remembering the deeply weird side of Mr. Rabbitt - Part Two

The very monochrome Mr.Rabbitt in missionary position…….
Herald Sun 18 December 2009:
"I think everyone should have some familiarity with the great texts that are at the core of our civilisation," Mr [Tony] Abbott said. 
"That includes, most importantly, the Bible. I think it would be impossible to have a good general education without at least some serious familiarity with the Bible and with the teachings of Christianity.”

* Photograph from Google Images

Monday 7 January 2013

Maiden caught out by Abbott spin

This is Samantha Maiden writing in the Herald Sun, 6 January 2013:
One has to wonder at that assertion by Ms. Maiden, as it suggests that she lazily relied on a media release from the Opposition Leader’s office without checking the facts.
Because here is a snapshot of Tony Abbott’s personal opinion, expressed in an article titled Rate Of Abortion Highlights Our Moral Failings, which he wrote and then published on his own website on 17 March 2004:

Clarence Valley Deputy Mayor tweets tacky

Clarence Valley Council Deputy Mayor Cr. Craig Howe starts the year by pushing a weight loss fad.
craig howe @CraigHowe68

Sunday 6 January 2013

A Short Primer For Tony Abbott's 'Australians for Honest Politics Trust'

Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott often talks of the perceived character failings of other politicians. Here is one instance where his own character can be called into question.
The Australians for Honest Politics Trust was created on 24 August 1998.
This trust allegedly raised approximately $100,000 with the aim of funding one or more civil court cases seeking deregistration of the political party One Nation and the removal of the Member for Oxley Pauline Lee Hanson from the Australian Parliament.
Ms. Hanson, a former member of the Liberal Party was disendorsed as a party candidate during the 1996 federal election campaign, entered Parliament as the independent Member for Oxley once election results were declared and, later formed Pauline Hanson’s One Nation with David Oldfield and David Ettridge. This original One Nation Party was registered on 4 December 1997.
On 3 & 6 July 1998 Tony Abbott wrote to Queensland Electoral Commissioner Desmond O’Shea objecting to the registration of One Nation. On 8 July the Electoral Commissioner wrote to Mr. Abbott for a second time rejecting his objections and reasons.
On 10 July 1998 Terry Sharples commenced civil proceedings in the Queensland Supreme Court formally challenging the registration of One Nation. On or about 11 July Tony Abbott hand wrote a letter to Sharples promising words to the effect that Sharples would not be further out of pocket because of this court case.
On 5 July 2001 criminal charges were brought against Ms. Hanson and David Ettridge and they were sentenced to three years gaol for electoral fraud (apparently with no mention of parole) by Judge Patsy Wolfe in the Brisbane District Court on 20 August 2003. Their convictions were quashed on appeal on 6 November 2003.
At least six recorded judgments appear to be associated with activities of the Trust’s creators:
Sharples v O'Shea & Anor [1998] QSC 171 (31 August 1998)
"One might readily infer that Mr Abbott was as much motivated by party political considerations relating to the next Federal election as he was in the Queensland Electoral Commission inquiring into assertions of misrepresentation and fraud "because of the public interest in the matter".
Australians for Honest Politics trustees were:
The Honourable John Murray Wheeldon – former member of the Labor Party, former Labor Party senator from West Australia, former editorial writer for The Australian (deceased 2006)
William Peter Coleman – former editor of The Bulletin and Quadrant, former Liberal Party Member for Fuller in the NSW Parliament, former Member for Wentworth in the Federal House of Representatives
The Honourable Anthony John “Tony” Abbott – former journalist with The Bulletin, former Workplace Relations Minister in the Howard Government, current Leader of the Federal Liberal Party and Leader of the Opposition
There were allegedly twelve donors to this trust and the following individuals have been identified in various media reports as being donors:
Trevor Kennedy - former Consolidated Press Holdings chief executive and new member of Gutenberg Investments group (contribution said to be in the vicinity of $10,000)
Harold Clough West Australian businessman reportedly a major Liberal Party donor and, treasurer of the Lavoisier Group, a director of Clough Limited, on the board of the Institute of Public Affairs and the Asialink Council according to SourceWatch.
Alleged fund raiser for the Trust:
John Samuel – businessman and sometime associate of Tony Abbott
Other individuals allegedly associated with creation of the Trust:
Piers Akerman - The Daily Telegraph columnist
Applicant in original court case:
Terry Patrick Sharples – an accountant allegedly co-opted by Tony Abbott for this purpose by July 1998
Note: David Summers allegedly withdrew as a co-applicant with Sharples and Barbara Hazelton whose separate  proposed court case preparation was paid for by the Trust withdrew her support
Individuals alleged to have interested themselves in the fraud court case:
Tim Fischer - former National Party leader
Ron Boswell - National Party Senate leader
Bill O'Chee - former National Party senator
Copy of the Trust Deed for the Australians for Honest Politics Trust as supplied to the Australian Electoral Commission [AEC] on 20 October 1998 according to the fax timestamp:
Note: The witness signatures on Page 3 have been redacted, the remaining two pages supplied to the AEC are illegible and therefor not posted here.
Excerpt from Margot Kingston’s book Still Not Happy, John! dealing with the Australians for Honest Politics Trust here.
WebDiary Archive

Fairfax Archive

Abbott refuses to supply donors names to AEC when requested in 2004 via a formal notice of investigation seeking records and information

Copy of AEC response to queries concerning the Trust

Tony Abbott media releases 1998:






Not, not, not responsible. I can`t answer for the things I do*

Malcolm Turnbull did a party piece at the Woodford Folk Festival last week – he called for less political spin.
His solution? All pollies practicing political honesty as a matter of course?
Nah. He think journalists, bloggers and tweeters should dedicate themselves to recording all the lies.
He’s just another fork-tongued MP who refuses to accept personal or party responsibility for widespread, blatant dishonesty.
*Lines from an old Gene Pitney song

Saturday 5 January 2013

Remembering the deeply weird side of Mr. Rabbitt

In which Mr. Rabbitt decides that young people with few or no related industry skills will be able to meet a skills shortage in the then booming West Australia mining sector which is now on the downturn.......
The Australian 21 April 2010:
TONY Abbott has proposed banning the dole for people under 30 in a bid to entice the unemployed to head west and fill massive skill shortages in the booming resources sector.
The Opposition Leader made the controversial remarks during a two-hour meeting with about 15 senior resources industry leaders in Perth on Monday night.
Mr Abbott told the roundtable briefing he believed stopping dole payments to able-bodied young people would take pressure off the welfare system and reduce the need to bring in large numbers of skilled migrants to staff mining projects.