Wednesday 27 March 2019

The Great Australian Ugliness: how supporters of conservative political parties act on polling day

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Australia’s national science agency CSIRO will release a new biocontrol agent in a bid to help save rainforests from an invasive South American weed

Wandering trad (Tradescantia fluminensis)

, news release, 22 March 2019:

Wandering trad (Tradescantia fluminensis) has become a significant environmental weed in parts of eastern Australia where it forms dense carpets on forest floors, smothering native vegetation and clogging waterways.

CSIRO senior research scientist Dr Louise Morin said weeds like wandering trad had a significant economic, environmental and social impact in Australia.

“Weeds are one of the biggest threats to Australia’s unique environment – in many areas across Australia they are damaging native vegetation, which threatens whole ecosystems including native wildlife,” Dr Morin said.

“Last year Australia spent almost $30 million protecting the natural environment from weeds. In the agriculture sector, weeds cost the industry more than $4.8 billion per year.”

“The fungus is spread through spores and needs the leaves of the wandering trad to survive – if there is no wandering trad to infect, the fungus dies,” Dr Morin said. 

“We know from decades of research in this field, that specialised fungi, like the leaf smut, have specific genes that enable them to successfully infect and cause disease only on single or a narrow range of plant species. “So we look at plants that are related to wandering trad including native plants to make sure the fungus will only infect the weed.” Wandering trad has infested native forests across eastern Australia, from eastern parts of NSW and south-east Queensland, to the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria where the biocontrol agent will first be released.


Wandering Trad is not to be confused with a similar looking plant Commelina diffusa which is native to south-east Queensland and north-east NSW. The native plant has blue flowers (usually flowering in autumn) and a slender tapered leaf, unlike the weedy species Tradescantia albiflora (which has fleshier, rounded, glossier leaves). The native plant is not an environmental weed.

Commelina diffusa
Image: Qld Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries

Far-right white supremacy is not about to crash & burn in Australia - instead it reached peak extremism on 15 March 2019

How homegrown white supremacist groups reportedly influenced the Australian terrorist who allegedly killed fifty worshippers in two New Zealand mosques on 15 March 2019.........

ABC News, 23 March 2019:

Three years before the mass shooting in Christchurch, [name redacted] was lavishing praise on prominent Australian far-right nationalist Blair Cottrell, referring to him as "Emperor".

The ABC's Background Briefing has uncovered an archive of comments from the accused mosque shooter, which were posted on the now deleted Facebook pages of Australian far-right groups United Patriots Front (UPF) and True Blue Crew (TBC).

The comments give an insight for the first time into [name redacted]'s early radical views.

At this stage, [name redacted] has been charged with one count of murder.

But in the wake of the massacre, his social media accounts were wiped from the internet, leaving very little information regarding the connections he made with individuals and groups on the far-right that operate prominently online.

What remained were fragments and digital impressions of a well-travelled young man who frequented hate-filled anonymous messaging boards and was deeply engaged in a global alt-right culture.

Although the shooter claimed in a manifesto uploaded before the attack that he was never a member of any group, the archive verified by Background Briefing reveals an allegiance to a number of high-profile Australian far-right figures.

And while specific details remain murky, these revelations about [name redacted]'s interactions with domestic far-right groups shed light on a young man captivated by white nationalism and its high-profile figurehead, Mr Cottrell.

Since then he has become the highest profile leader of Australia's alt right.
For many he is the symbol of the so-called "white resistance" in Australia and is the figurehead for a movement that in recent times has been defined by its virulent anti-Islamic views.

Before the Facebook page of his group, the UPF, was deleted, it had more than 120,000 followers, and the data reveals [name redacted] also followed the group.

[name redacted]'s comments, dating back as early as April 2016, showed the Australian-born man was a vocal supporter of then UPF-leader Mr Cottrell.

In the information, [name redacted] made more than 30 comments on the UPF and TBC pages over a 10-month period.

Although there are no screenshots of his comments on the UPF and TBC pages, Background Briefing has verified their authenticity by comparing the archive's preserved metadata — including Facebook ID numbers and timestamps — against other public posts shared by UPF and TBC supporters.

This allowed us to connect names to comments.

In one instance, metadata shows that when members from the UPF violently clashed with counter-protesters in Coburg in 2016, [name redacted] felt compelled to respond to Mr Cottrell's critics online.

"Communists will get what communists get, I would love to be there holding one end of the rope when you get yours traitor," [name redacted] posted….

In the video, Mr Cottrell and Mr Sewell are seen wearing neat collared shirts and grinning ear-to-ear as they described Mr Trump's victory, declaring it as the end to political correctness and "Marxism" in the US.

[name redacted] was online celebrating with Mr Cottrell and Mr Sewell.

"Simply one of the most important events in modern history," [name redacted] commented on the live video.

It was here that  [name redacted]was most effusive in his support of Mr Cottrell and the movement.

"Globalists and Marxists on suicide watch, patriots and nationalists triumphant — looking forward to Emperor Blair Cottrell coming soon," he wrote.

[name redacted] made similar comments months earlier, when Mr Cottrell appeared on national TV.

"Knocked it out of the park tonight Blair," he wrote.

"Your retorts had me smiling, nodding, cheering and often laughing.

"Never believed we would have a true leader of the nationalist movement in Australia, and especially not so early in the game.

"Would gladly stand behind you."

[name redacted]'s comments in the same period also demonstrate he was invested in the rivalry between the country's far-right groups.

He directed anger at one of the UPF founders, Neil Erikson, and former UPF leader Shermon Burgess and called them "useful idiots".

"Leave the nationalist leadership to Blair and the TBC, or be named obvious plants and traitors," [name redacted] wrote in July 2016 on the TBC Facebook page.

Those comments and their metadata were archived in text form by an anonymous source when those pages were still active on Facebook.

As far as we know the ABC is the only media outlet with access to the archives.
The last activity we have from [name redacted] on the UPF Facebook page is from January 2017, in response to a post discussing Mr Cottrell's impending appearance in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court over staging a fake beheading in Bendigo two years earlier.

[name redacted] was one of more than 200 people who commented on this thread in support of Mr Cottrell.

Mr Cottrell and two other former UPF members were found guilty of inciting serious contempt of Muslims in September 2017.....

....a donation had been made to UPF in [name redacted]'s name some years earlier.....

Michael Edison Hayden is a senior investigator on white supremacists' digital strategies for the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC), a non-profit which is tracking hate crimes across the US and the world.

He said the Christchurch shooting was a "new reality" where the views and statements of the extreme far-right were having a profound reach on young disaffected men.

He said the accused shooter's manifesto and social media strategy was more "self-aware and performative" than anything he had seen.

"It's a signifier he was immersed in this culture of radicalisation, that he is speaking to them and he is responding to what he's seen from them and what he wants them to see," Mr Hayden said.

Mr Hayden said race-related killings from far-right personalities around the world were often based on fears about being replaced by immigrants and having their white identity erased.

"Once you get the idea you're being eliminated, once you integrate that into your everyday way of thinking, they feel like violence is being inflicted against them day in and day out," he said.

"Which is, of course, a complete perversion of the truth."

 All this raises the question ; How many other men living on the NSW North Coast and elsewhere in Australia share [name redacted]'s world view?

Monday 25 March 2019

Insurance industry continues to warn that ability to insure property may breakdown due to ongoing impacts of climate change

The Guardian, 22 March 2019:

Insurers have warned that climate change could make cover for ordinary people unaffordable after the world’s largest reinsurance firm blamed global warming for $24bn (£18bn) of losses in the Californian wildfires.

Ernst Rauch, Munich Re’s chief climatologist, told the Guardian that the costs could soon be widely felt, with premium rises already under discussion with clients holding asset concentrations in vulnerable parts of the state.

“If the risk from wildfires, flooding, storms or hail is increasing then the only sustainable option we have is to adjust our risk prices accordingly. In the long run it might become a social issue,” he said after Munich Re published a report into climate change’s impact on wildfires. “Affordability is so critical [because] some people on low and average incomes in some regions will no longer be able to buy insurance.”

The lion’s share of California’s 20 worst forest blazes since the 1930s have occurred this millennium, in years characterised by abnormally high summer temperatures and “exceptional dryness” between May and October, according to a new analysis by Munich Re.

Wetter and more humid winters spurred new forest growth which became tinder dry in heatwave conditions that preceded the wildfires, the report’s authors said.

After comparing observational data spanning several decades with climate models, the report concluded that the wildfires, which killed 85 people, were “broadly consistent with climate change”.

Nicolas Jeanmart, the head of personal insurance, general insurance and macroeconomics at Insurance Europe, which speaks for 34 national insurance associations, said the knock-on effects from rising premiums could pose a threat to social order.

“The sector is concerned that continuing global increases in temperature could make it increasingly difficult to offer the affordable financial protection that people deserve, and that modern society requires to function properly,” he said.

Australian Prime Minister literally runs away from an awkward question

 Junkee, 21 March 2019:

Scott Morrison’s been having a bit of a shocker lately, and yesterday was no exception. After a journalist appeared to catch him in a lie at a press conference, our esteemed Prime Minister responded by abruptly ending the conference and fleeing.

ScoMo’s Great Escape took place after journalist Samantha Maiden asked him about a bit of a touchy subject: a 2011 report that he urged the Coalition to exploit anti-Muslim sentiment as part of an election strategy. Morrison has repeatedly denied saying this, and has been telling media that his colleague Greg Hunt backs him up — on the record.

Except, as Sam Maiden pointed out at the press conference, “the problem with that is that Greg Hunt did not attend the meeting” where Scott Morrison reportedly made the comments in the first place. She went on to point out that those who actually did attend the meeting told the Sydney Morning Herald that Morrison had made the comments, but before she could finish the sentence ScoMo cut her off.

Sunday 24 March 2019

NSW 2019 State Election Results in Northern Rivers electorates

At close of ballot counting on Saturday, 23 March 2019:

o   The Green’s Tamara Smith retains the seat of Ballina
o   The Nationals Chris Gulaptis retains the seat of Clarence
o   Labor’s Janelle Saffin gains the seat of Lismore
o   The National’s Geoff Provest retains the seat of Tweed.

Overall the Liberal-Nationals Coalition retains government in NSW for the next four years, with 46 seats at close of counting on Saturday.

At close of ballot counting on Saturday:

o   In the Ballina electorate 888 people (or 3.55% of all ballots) voted for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation candidates standing for the Legislative Council
o   In the Clarence electorate 2,653 people (or 9.08% of all ballots) voted for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation candidates standing for the Legislative Council
o   In the Lismore electorate 1,498 people (or 5.54% of all ballots) voted for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation candidates standing for the Legislative Council
o   In the Tweed electorate 1,559 people (or 6.80% of all ballots) voted for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation candidates standing for the Legislative Council.

Across the state far-right, openly racist One Nation had attracted est. 36,630 votes or 1.1% of all ballots in the Legislative Assembly (Lower House) and est. 6.1% of all ballots in the Legislative Council (Upper House) by close of counting on Saturday.

Counting recommences today and ballot count updates can be found at or

Big Bat & Wildlife Festival, Noon to Sunset, 30 March 2019 Showground, Maclean NSW

Cyclone Oma might have postponed the festival but the events organisers are ready to go again. 

The new date is Saturday 30th March at the Maclean Showground. 

It is the same day as the Yamba Gourmet Food festival - so the Clarence Valley can offer culture and conservation. 

 It is also Earth Hour on the 30th March. 

At the Big Bat & Wildlife Festival Uncle Ron Heron will be giving a Welcome to Country; while Bill Walker will tell some yarns about Yaegl experiences with wildlife and explaining totems. 

As for the singers in the community they are planning an 'all-together-now' performance of 'Sing for the Climate' lead by the Macleles Ukulele Band.