Sunday 13 May 2012

Has the Heartland Institute finally gone too far?

Heartland Institute media release:

May 03, 2012
May 3, 2012 – Billboards in Chicago paid for by The Heartland Institute point out that some of the world’s most notorious criminals say they “still believe in global warming” – and ask viewers if they do, too.
Heartland’s first digital billboard – along the inbound Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) in Maywood – is the latest effort by the free-market think tank to inform the public about what it views as the collapsing scientific, political, and public support for the theory of man-made global warming. It is also reminding viewers of the questionable ethics of global warming’s most prominent proponents.
“The most prominent advocates of global warming aren’t scientists,” said Heartland’s president, Joseph Bast. “They are Charles Manson, a mass murderer; Fidel Castro, a tyrant; and Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber. Global warming alarmists include Osama bin Laden and James J. Lee (who took hostages inside the headquarters of the Discovery Channel in 2010).
Bast added, “The leaders of the global warming movement have one thing in common: They are willing to use force and fraud to advance their fringe theory.” For more about the billboards and why Heartland says people should not still believe in global warming, click here……

The next day a statement from one sponser, Microsoft, distanced itself:

Microsoft believes climate change is a serious issue that demands immediate, worldwide attention and we are acting accordingly. We are pursuing strategies and taking actions to reduce our own impact as well as the impact of our products. In addition, Microsoft has adopted a broad policy statement on climate change that expresses support for government action to address climate change.
The Heartland Institute does not speak for Microsoft on climate change. In fact, the Heartland Institute’s position on climate change is diametrically opposed to Microsoft’s position. And we completely disagree with the group’s inflammatory and distasteful advertising campaign…….

Two days later The Guardian U.K. stated:

The London-based drinks giant, which owns brands such as Guinness, Smirnoff, Johnnie Walker and Moët & Chandon, said this year that it was "reviewing any further association with Heartland" following the release online of internal Heartland documents which revealed its corporate donors as well as a plan to promote an alternative climate change curriculum in US schools. Following the widespread outcry triggered by Heartland's billboards, a Diageo spokeswoman told the Guardian: "Diageo vigorously opposes climate scepticism and our actions are proof of this. Diageo's only association with the Heartland Institute was limited to a small contribution made two years ago specifically related to an excise tax issue. Diageo has no plans to work with the Heartland Institute in the future."…..

On 7 May E&E Publishing revealed another sponsorship withdrawal:

"It was disgusting. It was revolting," Brad Kading, president of the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers, said of the ad in an interview over the weekend. "It was a terrible mistake."
His group, which donated $125,000 to Heartland over the last two years, told the libertarian president of Heartland, Joe Bast, that their relationship is "untenable" in a letter Friday evening.

While this letter to another sponsor was posted online as one academic fought back against Heartland’s advertising:

May 7, 2012
State Farm Insurance
One State Farm Plaza
Bloomington, IL 61710
Dear State Farm,
As per a recent conversation with Tony Ardise, my State Farm agent, I provided him two weeks’ notice that I intend to cancel all of my policies with State Farm Insurance because of its support of Heartland Institute. I have been a loyal customer for over 21 years and currently send almost $4500 per year to State Farm. I do not wish my money to be sent to Heartland Institute – a group that recently compared climate scientists and those concerned about climate change to “murderers, tyrants, and madmen” such as Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber), Charles Manson, Fidel Castro, and Osama bin Laden. Although Heartland stated that they will remove the public billboards, their official statement offers no apologies. It is obvious that the billboards represent Heartland’s true feelings.
This indefensible and un-American assault on climate science is just the latest attempt by Heartland to discourage action on climate change, but there is a long history. As has been widely reported in mainstream media, Heartland Institute has been leading the charge for years to confuse our policymakers, the general public, and our school children about well-understood climate change science.
The United States National Academy of Sciences tells us that the climate is warming, humans are responsible, and that this behavior is increasing risks across a broad spectrum of society. Every international academy of science agrees and recent studies show that 97-98% of publishing experts concur.
Who else is concerned? Military and intelligence experts warn that climate-induced crises could topple governments, feed terrorist movements or destabilize entire regions and health officials warn us that climate change could be the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. These are experts who are warning us of a serious problem. We need to listen to these experts and not to Heartland Institute.
State Farm states: “We’re working with organizations all across the country – organizations like the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS), Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and Protecting America – to help protect you and your family from the human injuries, property destruction, and financial impact that can result from natural disasters.” Climate change has been shown to have increased the frequency and intensity of droughts, fires, heat waves, and floods. Along with sea level rise, these types of disasters have already cost your industry many billions of dollars according to financial experts. I find it quite disturbing that State Farm would send money to a group that is clearly hurting its bottom line. Would the American Lung Association send money to Philip Morris?
General Motors and AT&T have publicly stated they will no longer fund Heartland Institute. State Farm should immediately do the same. If so, I will remain a loyal customer. Otherwise, I will take my business elsewhere.
Scott A. Mandia

Two months ago when the names of Heartland Institute sponsors became public knowledge, General Motors publicly withdrew from the Institute’s funding pool, according to The Guardian:

In a statement, GM said that it now runs its business "as if climate change is real and believe we have a role to play in developing new cars, trucks and technologies that can make a difference".

The U.S. Blog Forecast The Facts is currently running an online petition urging all sponsors to follow suit.

One of the fascinating instances of science and culture meshing

Saturday 12 May 2012

Tweets of the Week

After the 2012-13 Commonwealth Budget was handed down………….

Only budget comment heard at Campbelltown today: They're bribing me, and I like it.

Courteney HockingCourteney Hocking@courteneyh
for tony abbott, numbers are like women: he doesn't get them & he can't help coming across as pig ignorant whenever the subject comes up.

Pyne shorter "I trust no one and nothing and especially dirty low income families"

Nostalgia as well as a perigee moon rising over Coffs Harbour this week

A 'Supermoon' rose over Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia today, 5th May 2012 and even though it was hidden behind clouds on the horizon for a few minutes, it soon shone extra bright.
People were seen wondering the streets all night like zombies, wondering why the night was so bright.
Please note no copyright infringement is intended by the use of the Credence Clearwater song, 'Bad Moon Rising' which was used as a pun on the lunar event.

Friday 11 May 2012

Which part was unparliamentary language? Was it "Abbott and Costello" or "The Three Stooges"?

Yesterday in the House of Representatives:  

(Lindsay—Assistant Treasurer and Minister Assisting for Deregulation)
... I was not surprised to see reports in the papers today that there is a cunning and devious plan to parachute Peter Costello back into parliament. They figure that is about the only way they might be able to give their economic leadership a little bit of credibility.

Honourable members interjecting

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Assistant Treasurer will return to the question.

Mr BRADBURY: Unfortunately, it looks as though what was reported might not be happening—we will not be getting Abbott and Costello; we are just stuck with the Three Stooges.

Ms Julie Bishop: Madam Deputy Speaker, I rise on a point of order. Previously that phrase has been deemed unparliamentary and I ask that he withdraw.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Deputy Leader of the Opposition is correct. That has been ruled as out of order in this context, and I will ask the Assistant Treasurer to withdraw.

Opposition members interjecting

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Everybody on that side might walk the plank very quickly if they do not show some respect to the chair. The Assistant Treasurer has the call.

Mr BRADBURY: I withdraw.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER:I thank the Assistant Treasurer.

Image credit:

Gulaptis buys into Pacific Highway funding stoush by way of a Dorothy Dixer and gets caught out aiding a political deception

On 7 May the NSW Nationals Member for Clarence, ‘Steve’ Gulaptis, was reported in The Casino Times:

Not content with that piece of political mischief, on 9 May 2012 he rose to his feet in the NSW Legislative Assembly and asked this preordained question of his leader:

One small problem for the Clarence MP is that records apparently show otherwise according to The Sydney Morning Herald:

This is not only confirmed in Andrew Stoner’s convoluted reply to Gulaptis according to the NSW Hansard of 9 May, but by letters published on 10 May 2012 in The Sydney Morning Herald.

These show that a federal government offer was retracted because NSW failed to act in time and one additional funding amount being made available was part of the stimulus package in response to the global financial crisis - see below.

It would appear that any hope of anything like a permanent 80:20 or 83:17 funding split in New South Wales’ favour was only ever alive in the mind of the NSW government of the day and, it was swiftly disabused of this notion.

Indeed, in 2009 the NSW Government agreed to reconsider its Pacific Highway upgrade contribution levels at a future date and, in light of that promise and in recognition of nationally hard economic times the Federal Government was more than generous when it came to monies for specific upgrade sections granted to the state.

NSW by its own admission paid only 10 per cent of the total cost of the completed Glenugie section and paid nothing towards the Kempsey By-pass section due to be opened next year. Yet Mr. Gulaptis has stated to North Coast media that these works were undertaken in an 80:20 funding split.

Mr. Gulaptis needs to realize that he first duty is to the truth and not to his party. He also needs to remember that political whoppers will almost always get found out.
NSW Minister for Transport's 2009 letter to Canberra
Federal Minister For Infrastructure's 2009 letter to NSW Government

Google Inc. cries poor in Australia

Posted on Slashdot 3 May 2012:

daria42 writes "Looks like Apple isn't the only company with interesting offshore taxation practices. The financial statements for Google's Australian subsidiary show the company told the Australian Government it made just $200 million in revenue in 2011 in Australia, despite local industry estimating it actually brought in closer to $1 billion. The rest was funnelled through Google's Irish subsidiary and not disclosed in Australia. Consequently the company only disclosed taxation costs in Australia of $74,000. Not bad work if you can get it — which Google apparently can. About that 'don't be evil' motto? Yeah. Not so much."

Search engine and advertising giant Google Australia has posted a wider full-year loss of almost $4 million, despite a sharp lift in revenue.
In a special purpose annual report for the year ended December 31, Google Australia posted a $3.93 million loss after income tax, down from a loss of $3.08 million in 2010.
Revenue from continuous operations was $201.1 million, up from $151.4 million the previous year.
Gross assets for the wholly owned local arm were $116 million and income tax expenses slumped, from $1.128 million to $74,176.
Google Australia, which is based in Sydney and has 568 employees, listed its principal activities as ‘‘to provide services, assistance and advice in connection with marketing and sales support for web search engine service and advertising services.
"Google Australia Pty Ltd additionally performs certain research and development services with respect to products, utilising Google RD Technology and other appropriate technology from Google."
It took on two new directors last year in Matthew Scott Sucherman and James Anthony Marocco, replacing John Kent Walker and Lloyd Martin in November.
Under the recently released Convergence Review’s recommendations to the federal government, Google would not be defined as a major media company, thereby escaping greater content regulations.
No dividends were paid.

LOL found at Fail Nation

Thursday 10 May 2012

Australia's unemployment hits 4.9% low. Something the Federal Coalition has to suck up before Abbott's Budget Reply Speech 10 May 2012



10 May 2012


Australia's unemployment rate decreased 0.2 percentage points to 4.9 per cent in April 2012

Australia's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased 0.2 percentage points to 4.9 per cent in April, as announced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today. There was also a decrease in the labour force participation rate of 0.1 percentage points in April to 65.2 per cent.
The ABS reported the number of people employed increased by 15,500 to 11,501,000 in April. The increase in employment was driven by increased part-time employment, up 26,000 people to 3,438,200, and was offset by decrease in full-time employment, down 10,500 people to 8,062,800. The increase in employment was mainly driven by an increase in male part-time employment.
The number of people unemployed decreased by 28,800 people to 598,200 in April, the ABS reported.
The ABS monthly aggregate hours worked series showed an increase in April, up 6.6 million hours to 1,633.9 million hours.
There has been some interest recently in how changes in the Australian population impact on the estimates of employment from the Labour Force Survey. The responses collected from the sample of people in the survey are weighted to projections of the Australian population for the current quarter. These population projections are based on the most up-to-date information available, but are different to the official estimates of resident population that are calculated at a later date. In order to explain these issues, the ABS has produced a special feature article "Population Benchmarks and the Labour Force Survey" in this month's publication.
More details are in the April 2012 issue of Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0), as well as the upcoming April 2012 issue of Labour Force, Australia, Detailed (cat. no. 6291.0.55.001) due for release next week on May 17. Both publications are available for free download (after release) from the ABS website -

Playing the politics of envy with a fixed smile.........

Left to Right: Clive Palmer, Gina Rinehart and Andrew Twiggy Forrest

Last week one North Coast Voices reader sent me a link to the Fair Go For BillionairesWealth Calculator. Unfortunately my annual income just wouldn’t register, so I went to the mainstream media for some examples.

The Central Telegraph reported on 3 May 2012:

It would take a person earning $70,000 a year - which is roughly the average salary in Australia - 56,000 years to earn Mr Palmer's net worth.
No, that's not a misprint - 56,000 years.
Conversely, it takes Mr Palmer, the man who plans to bring you Titanic 2, just 70.8 minutes to earn $70,000…..

Ms Rinehart? Well, it takes her just 28.8 minutes to rake in $70,000.
And if you've got a spare 67,857 years you too could earn her net wealth…….

Mr Forrest needs only 20 minutes to make a measly $70k, but the average Australian worker earning the same amount would need 6,057 decades to match his net worth.
Of course the lower your annual salary, the more depressing it gets.
Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Gina Rinehart
Photos from the ABC website and Google Images

A selection of NSW environmental damage/water pollution convictions February 2011-April 2012

According to Nine News on 5 May 2012:

Fourteen serious "code red" environmental breaches have been discovered at facilities across NSW, during a state-wide audit of high-risk industries.
The audit, which covered 40 facilities across NSW, discovered 62 instances of non-compliance, of which 14 were considered "code red" or "high risk", the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) said.

On the same day The Sydney Morning Herald reported that:

The sites guilty of code red breaches include the Huntsman Surfactants Plant in Matraville, which the audit found was storing and handling hazardous chemicals without appropriate safeguards to capture any leaks or spills, ''thereby increasing the likelihood of polluting waters''.
The plant was also found not to be monitoring underground pipes, which transported effluent, for leaks. It was fined and a follow-up visit after the audit found all problems had been addressed.
The chemical manufacturer Pax, in Ingleburn, was also served with a penalty notice for its code red violation; a valve on part of the plant which was supposed to prevent the uncontrolled release of contaminated water was found not to be working. The valve was fixed immediately after the audit and the company was fined.
The most common serious breach was companies not having complete or up-to-date emergency response plans, including the Origin Energy plants in Port Botany and Kooragang Island...

This is a selection of convictions recorded by the NSW Environmental Protection Authority on its POEO Public Register over the last twelve months:

3/04/2012 BMG ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP PTY LTD Negligently dispose of waste in a manner that harms the environment, $100,000 fine. Ordered to pay investigation costs of $15,684.50

6/03/2012 COFFS HARBOUR HARDWOODS SALES PTY LTD Damage reserved land, $40,000 fine and, Pick plant that is part of a threatened species, $45,000 fine. Both counts - Ordered to undertake remediation works and to publicise details of the offence in the Coffs Harbour Advocate and Bellinger Star.

12/12/2011 AUSTAR COAL MINE PTY LTD Pollute waters. Ordered to pay $75,000 to the Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority for the Mount View Corridor Threatened Species Habitat Rehabilitation Project. Also ordered to pay investigation costs of $17,269.13.

24/11/2011 BIO TORQUE FUELS PTY LTD Pollute waters, $500 fine. Ordered to pay investigation costs of $12,000 – plus two breaches licence conditions with fines totalling $1,500

11/05/2011 BIG RIVER GROUP PTY LTD Pollute waters, $67,000 fine. Ordered to pay investigation costs of $24,644.80

8/2/2011 XSTRATA MANGOOLA PTY LTD Pollute waters. Enforceable Undertaking

Orica Limited is yet to be prosecuted for a 1kg hexavalent chromium spill at its Kooragang Island plant in Newcastle or the arsenic, sulphuric acid and liquid ammonium nitrate spills at Newcastle and Port Kembla in 2011.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Thought of the Week for Climate Change Sceptics

Common sense is what tells you the world is flat
[Gingers Meggs cartoon strip wall grafitti]

Sometimes I wonder into which alternate universe I have wandered

Australia successfully survived the Global Financial Crisis under the stewardship of a federal Labor Government which did not panic and, with the cooperation of states and territories, acted swiftly to support weak points in the national economy.

So well did the nation weather this financial tsunami that a year on from the initial rolling economic destruction it was being openly stated by northern hemisphere economic commentators that Australia was the envy of the rest of the developed world and, in 2012 in comparison with that same developed world we still have low unemployment, low levels of government debt, low interest rates, an economy which is holding its own despite an historically weak manufacturing sector and good international credit ratings.

Which begs the question of why this Essential Report survey question elicited negative attitudes in these responses below - from 42 per cent of the very people who barely felt any effect of this global crisis.

Trust to deal with GFC

May 7, 2012

Q. If there was another Global Financial Crisis, which party would you trust most to deal with it?

15 Aug 11


Vote Labor

Vote Lib/Nat

Vote Greens

The Labor Party






The Liberal Party






No difference






Don’t know






If there was another GFC, 42% would trust the Liberal Party more to handle it and 25% would trust the Labor Party more. This represents a shift to the Liberal Party from net +9% to net +17%

The Liberal Party was rated higher than Labor with all demographic groups. Those most likely to trust the Liberal Party more were men (47%), aged 55+ (48%), full-time workers (50%) and income over $1,600 pw (50%).

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Commonwealth Budget Papers 2012-13

Over at the 2012-13 federal budget papers are available for those interested in delving deeper than tomorrow's tabloid newspaper headlines.

A look back at the lack of Coalition economic theory expertise - as Australia waits for the 2012-13 federal budget to be revealed

Hours out from the 2012-13 federal budget, a look back at 2011....

Gross debt - gross ignorance on Saturday, 12 November 2011:  

Admittedly, the notion of gross and net government debt is a little complex, but when someone speaks authoritatively about gross debt in particular, one would hope they understood the intricacies of the concepts involved and how the government debt market works before they opened their mouth. It is embarrassing and disturbing, therefore, to hear the Shadow Finance Minister Andrew Robb, join with the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Barnaby Joyce and Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott deliver sensational criticisms about the rise in gross debt in Australia.
The views of the Liberal and National Party leaders - the alternative government in other words - highlight a gross misunderstanding of markets, economics and conceptualising what is big and small.

Read the rest here.

Warning: Scamsters using the Tax Office to dud the unsuspecting

An email (copy below) currently doing the rounds and purporting to be from the Australian Tax Office is a scam. Avoid it like the plague.

Dear Australian Taxation Office customer,

After the last annual calculation of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $250.50 AUD. Please submit the tax refund form and allow us 3-5 business days in order to process it.

A fund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.To access the form for your tax refund, please Click Here (link removed).

Thank you,
Australian Taxation Office Online Department.

Read the ATO's advice about scams here.

The Great Angourie Croc Hunt of 1940

There was a time when the Lower Clarence thought it had its own crocodile, according to The Courier-Mail on  5 January 1940.

Click on image to enlarge

The Hon. Dr. Peter 'Waste of Space' Phelps MLC

Excerpt from Queensland Government pest plant fact sheet for Eragrostis curvula:

A native of southern Africa, this grass was probably first introduced to Australia by accident as a contaminant of pasture seed. Different cultivars of this grass have also been used as a soil stabiliser in erosion-control situations.
African lovegrass has been planted in different locations throughout south-east Queensland and has naturalised in all Australian states in acidic, red and especially sandy soils.
African lovegrass produces vast quantities of seeds, which quickly develop into a large viable seed bank, making the plant very difficult to eradicate. It is extremely competitive with other pasture species and is an aggressive invader, quickly overtaking sparse, overgrazed or poor quality pastures, particularly in sandy soils.
African lovegrass can form dense monocultures up to 1.2 m high. This can create large fuel loads in the dry months, posing a fire hazard and creating competition with native species regeneration.

The NSW Industry and Investments website states that overall carrying capacity is reduced when there is dense African Love Grass infestation.

So what does NSW Legislative Council Government Whip Peter Phelps MLC have to say in the 1 May debate on the Noxious Weeds Amendment Bill 2012 when lovegrass gets a mention? Why he asks; Can you smoke it?

Monday 7 May 2012

It would appear that NSW Nationals MP for Clarence, Chris Gulaptis, doesn't respect the CSIRO, BOM, NASA or any reputable climate scientist

One of the worst kept secrets on the NSW North Coast is that NSW Nationals MP for Clarence, Chris Gulaptis, is a climate changer denier.

The Lower Clarence Valley, which knows this former shire councillor and land developer better than most, would be unsurprised by this claim – given that he is already anecdotally famous for stating words to the effect that removing mature trees from riverbanks would reduce or eliminate erosion of said banks.

What his latest claim about sea levels clearly demonstrates is that Chris Gulaptis either hasn’t bothered to read authoritative reports on the subject, does not understand the science or refuses to respect the science.

To illustrate the political ignorance that is being displayed by the parliamentary representative of an electorate with such a long coastline, here are some quotes.

This is what the Australian CSIRO stated in 2011 about sea level impacts:

Sea level rise will be felt both through changes in mean sea level, and, perhaps more importantly, through changes in extreme sea level events. Even if there are no changes in extreme weather conditions (for example, increases in tropical cyclone intensity), sea level rise will result in extreme sea levels of a given value being exceeded more frequently. This change in the frequency of extreme events has already been observed at many locations. The increase in frequency of extreme events will depend on local conditions, but events that currently occur once every 100 years could occur as frequently as once every few years by 2100.
Global Mean Sea Level increased by 210mm between 1880 and 2009, and is continuing to rise at a fairly steady rate of just over 3mm/year. This rate of rise is undoubtedly contributing to the flooding problems of low-lying island states like Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Maldives.
This is exacerbated in some areas (e.g. Gippsland, Victoria and the Gulf coast of the U.S.) where large-scale land subsidence causes a rate of rise relative to the land which is substantially higher.
Correspondingly, some areas have seen less impact because they are rising. Australia is rising at about 0.3-0.4mm/year due to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), but is still starting to feel the effects.
In addition, the continuing rise in mean level causes a corresponding increase in the frequency of extreme events, as detailed on the next page…..
The effect of rising mean sea levels will be felt most profoundly during extreme storm conditions when strong winds and falling pressure bring about a temporary and localised increase in sea level known as a storm surge. Storm surges occurring on higher mean sea levels will enable inundation and damaging waves to penetrate further inland increasing flooding, erosion and the subsequent detrimental impacts on built infrastructure and natural ecosystems. In the tropics storm surges are caused by tropical cyclones while elsewhere mid-latitude storms and their associated cold fronts are the main cause of storm surges.

This is what the Australian Bureau of Meteorology states in its State of the Climate Report 2012:

State of the Climate 2012 also highlights the increase in global sea level and notes sea-level rise around Australia since 1993 is greater than, or equal to, the global average. Our observations show that sea-surface temperatures around Australia have increased faster than the global average.

This is what the United States NASA was saying in 2011 about sea levels:

Like mercury in a thermometer, ocean waters expand as they warm. This, along with melting glaciers and ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, drives sea levels higher over the long term. For the past 18 years, the U.S./French Jason-1, Jason-2 and Topex/Poseidon spacecraft have been monitoring the gradual rise of the world's ocean in response to global warming.

This is what NASA’s Chief Scientist states in 2012:

Sea level rise is one of the most readily recognizable manifestations of climate change, because it is directly observable without the aid of instrumentation, with very visible effects. Sea level rise is not as rapidly variable as many of the other indicators of climate change, such as temperature or precipitation. Rather it evolves relatively slowly and presents a clear expression of the integrated elements of our changing climate [ Statement of Dr. Waleed Abdalati, Chief Scientist, National Aeronautics and Space Administration before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate,19 April 2012]

A public dental services federal funding boost the NSW North Coast will welcome

The Age 6 May 2012:

HALF a billion dollars will be injected into dental care for the poor, while families with schoolchildren will receive cash payments in two of the few big-spending measures in Tuesday's austerity budget.
The Sunday Age can reveal that 400,000 Australians stuck on the public dental waiting list because they can't afford a private dentist will be targeted for help in a $345 million blitz on the public backlog, starting on January 1.
Another $170 million will be used to lay the groundwork for a national dental scheme, funding more graduate training places and paying dentists to relocate to remote areas.
''Improving our dental health system has been a priority for me since I first became health minister and this package delivers hope to those who have waited too long on public dental lists,'' Health Minister Tanya Plibersek said. ''It will lay the foundation for a new way of providing dental services that will ensure that those most in need will get care when and where they need it.''…..

Hopefully the Gillard Government will so tightly constrain state governments in relation to this funding that they are unable to take this money into their coffers to swell their own budgetary bottom lines and, then stall implementing any real improvements to public dental health services.

Sunday 6 May 2012

"Please don't piss in my pond" by Richard Gates

This is a good news story.

In 2005 a long-running environmental campaign came to a head. A once pristine wetland had become a de facto extension of the Evans Head Sewerage Treatment Plant.
Watch what happens when a massive fish and bird kill galvanises a community to pressure authorities to clean up their crap.

This video was created as part of an ABC Open NSW North Coast workshop for the project "Water Is..."

Watch the video here.

Credit: Thanks, Dr Richard Gates, your local community has much to be very proud about.