
Monday 12 November 2007

ASIO out of control in Howard's Australia

Many suspected that it was happening after John Howard's right-wing paranoia created legislation which ripped many of our basic democratic rights away.
Now one judge has well and truly blown the whistle today.
"In the NSW Supreme Court today, Justice Michael Adams said one ASIO officer had committed "the crime of false imprisonment and kidnap at common law".
He also referred to the unjustified and unlawful interference with Mr ul-Haque's personal liberty and the unlawful trespass of officers at his family home."
The Age article:
The climate created by John Howard, which borders on fascism, leaves every Australian citizen vulnerable to this sort of abuse in a society where rule of law hardly matters to those with power and a service weapon.
We are drawing perilously ever closer to a state where if they come for you in the morning they will coming for me that night.
Something we should all remember on 24 November.

1 comment:

  1. ASIO and the Federal Police clearly think they're living in the US, or they wouldn't even try getting away with shit like that. I remember when it was all over the news, and it seemed like there was no doubt in the media's mind that the guy was 100% guaranteed to be a terrorist...


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