
Thursday 22 November 2007

Campaign Day 39 - we all deserve medals

Thankfully all election advertising went off television and radio airways as of midnight, but your phone might still bite because those pesky, tinny recorded campaign messages are still allowed.
Newspapers will as usual carry those last minute attempts to sway voters of course, and today and tomorrow may still see some libellous Nationals garbage turning up in letter boxes across Australia.
Probably a crude leaflet all about how the Greens/Democrats/Labor, and anyone but themselves, will shear your granny and rape the sheep.
These last six weeks have been an endurance marathon for everyone with the misfortune to not be able to afford an extended overseas holiday.
John Howard deserves to lose this election solely on the grounds that he authorised our protracted torture.
I hope his chooks turn into emus and kick his dunny down.

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