
Thursday 22 November 2007

How I see the day I quit or John-in-Wonderland

These days John Howard's view of his world is a wonder to behold.
Howard in The Sydney Morning Herald on Tuesday.
"Mr Howard yesterday said Treasurer Peter Costello would replace him unopposed as Liberal leader when he steps down, even though the choice is ultimately up to the party room.
The prime minister today defended that statement and offered a candid insight into what would happen on that fateful day.
"I will go into the party meeting and say I hereby resign as leader of the Liberal Party, and everybody will sort of say 'right o', they'll know it's coming, then I'll sit down and say 'does anybody want to nominate'," Mr Howard told reporters.
"In our party you nominate by standing and people will stand and in my view nobody else will stand, and he will be elected unopposed."
Who is he kidding? If the Howard Government fails to win re-election this Saturday, John Howard will be lucky to survive his concession speech without multiple bloody knives in the middle of his back. If the Coalition regains government by a severely reduced majority, John Howard will face leadership challengers aplenty before his preferred time to resign.
The Sydney Morning Herald articles:

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