
Wednesday 21 November 2007

In case of fire, break glass and vote Greens

In an effort to keep-it-simple-stupid the media rarely presents an Australian national electoral race as anything but a battle between two giants, and the Liberal Party will never call attention to the fact that it is not strong enough to govern without its mini-me Nationals.
Of course the major parties have been quite successful in convincing us all that this two-horse race call is all but ordained from on high. The reality of power and how it is exercised does lend some weight to this view.
However, other aspects of reality are also valid. Right now we voters can use not only our personal primary vote but also our preferences to strengthen or weaken the major parties' hold over our lives and futures.
So if you are fearful of another three years under an increasing right-wing Coalition government; if you worry that a Labor government might fall into complacency over issues like the economy, foreign policy, social justice or climate change; remember that there are still two parliamentary parties out there with track records and experience in the Senate - The Greens and the Australian Democrats.
So on 24 November if you are still consumed by fiery doubt, remember that breaking from the herd might be a better option - and vote for The Greens on the Senate ballot paper.
The Greens:
The Australian Democrats:

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