
Tuesday 13 November 2007

Oh the tragedy of it all - too late to change my vote!

The Prime Minister along with the majority of Liberal Party luminaries gathered yesterday for an official campaign launch during the last two weeks of the federal election campaign, and a week after postal votes began to arrive in North Coast mail.
I really felt the tragedy of the situation, truly I did. Howard had waited too long to convince me - I like many others had already voted.
I will console myself with the knowledge that my vote could never be bought or beguiled. Not even for his squandered tens of billions, that old 'Go for Growth' slogan, his talk of the "years ahead of us", his desire to share his "hopes and dreams", his "great work",  or his lies about "an opportunity society".
Sorry John, but I wouldn't have been selling anyway. You need to focus your worry on those who haven't voted yet. After yesterday's performance they may feel you have insulted their intelligence and sabotaged the economy - all within the space of less than an hour.

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