
Thursday 22 November 2007

Say that again, John?

Yesterday The Age reported that John Howard (when laying out his 5-point plan to a group of Sydney business leaders) was warning that his government should be returned come Saturday or the sky would fall in.
"He said every change of Government since the end of World War II had resulted in a profound change in the nature of the country."
Hold on, John - say that again? So your government effected profound change when it came to power in 1996. Think more than a few of us would agree with that. Australia is now a more divisive and unequal country, where unsafe and unhappy is the condition of a great many.
As Prime Minister and leader of a parliamentary coalition you broke the social contract between government and the governed while calling this a virtue.
You've never been good for the soul of this country - it's time you and Janette faced the fact.

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