
Saturday 22 December 2007

Bouquets and brickbats

Bouquets for Federal Foreign Minister Stephen Smith and Minister for the Environment and Arts Peter Garrett for achieving a backdown by the Japanese Government over plans to hunt and kill Humpback whales in southern waters.
Floral posies also to Clarence Valley Council who adopted a Humpback male whale last month and Ballina Council who named their adopted whale "Shelly" last week.
The Daily Examiner:
Ballina Shire Council:
Such grassroots support has not gone unnoticed by Japan.
"Machimura said Japan and Australia had cultural differences over whales but that Tokyo hoped to preserve relations with Canberra, where the new Labor government has stepped up pressure against the hunt.
"Australians consider whales to be very affectionate, something I can't really relate to. But apparently they give names to every whale and there's quite strong public sentiment," Machimura said."
The Courier Mail  yesterday:
Brickbats to the Japanese Government for continuing to call the intended slaughter of over 900 other whales this season "scientific research".

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