
Thursday 20 December 2007

Heigh-ho heigh-ho, it's off to work we go

Kevin Rudd has recently announced an extra 15 sitting days for the 2008 federal parliamentary year and 14 of these will be Fridays.
This will be a total of 82 sitting days up from an average of 62 days each year under the Howard Government.
Good one, Kev. Time for those regular long-weekends to disappear. Time to make all pollies (specially those beggars now in opposition) work their tails off to address the backlog of unresolved national problems Howard and his mates left us with.
Fourteen Fridays is a good start, but remember that Federal Parliament started its life averaging around 95 sitting days a year.
From what I can gather it also took those earlier pollies around seven times longer to debate the merits of a bill than it does now. Must have been some serious debating back in those days.
Now, Kev - about those taxpayer-funded overseas 'study' tours pollies take when parliament isn't sitting........

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