
Sunday 30 December 2007

In the final count down to 2008

Well the 2007 festive season is on its last legs and national torpor prevails. Will 2008 bring any solutions to the many problems which confront us as a society and nation?
The Murray-Darling river system gets some relief from recent heavy rains but fundamental problems remain:
Poverty and inequality remain a fact of life for many Australians:
Human rights for the aged or mentally ill demonstrably in doubt across the country:
In the month since the federal election Labor voters are still blindly optimistic:
Liberal Party leader Brendan Nelson battles to control his party's 'message' and deputy leader Julie Bishop signals a desire to obstruct IR reform:
Deputy-Prime Minister Julia Gillard makes a tactical error in retaining Workplace Authority's Barbara Bennett:
Kevin Rudd Sucks battles on, but is anyone listening:
The media continues to enjoy reporting climate change sceptics:
Virtually ignoring 21 state and territory election defeats in a row, the Liberal Party looks for alternative answers because it still can't face the fact that active dislike of the party's underlying neo-con philosophy combined with personal hatred of John Winston Howard and the Federal Coalition's abuse of parliamentary processes were at the bottom of its recent federal election defeat:,25197,22981323-5013946,00.html

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