
Monday 31 December 2007

Kevin Rudd will never be a true believer

Kevin Rudd is not one of the true believers of old. Like most modern Labor politicians he is merely a man in a tailored suit following his chosen career path.
However, this same man attained government on a proud Labor history and political pragmatism does not remove him from a place within this history or absolve him from honouring the expectations which voted his party into power.
Therefore in 2008 the Rudd Government needs to remove all Australian military personnel from Iraq and Afghanistan. No half measures are acceptable.
Australia broke international law when it marched into both countries and relies on legal fiction to keep troops there.
Just because Iraq and Afghanistan were barely mentioned in the 2007 federal election campaign doesn't give the Rudd Government a mandate to continue war crimes initiated by the Howard 
Government as part of the Coalition of the Willing.
In case you didn't notice, Kevin - people on the NSW North Coast stood on beaches and in fields to literally spell out their opposition to Howard's warmongering.
From the day the Rudd Government was sworn into office it became responsible for every Australian death caused by unrest and fighting in these two countries. The fault now lies with it for every Iraqi and Afghani civilian death.     

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