
Wednesday 5 December 2007

Mungo's on the mark - - - yet again!

Mungo McCallum scores another bull's eye when writing in Byron Bay's Echo.

Read the full text of Mungo's column at :

Mungo is, as usual, right on the mark. Mungo wrote, in part:

If you have any doubt that the election of a Rudd Labor government has changed the country, consider this: a year ago, did you imagine that the Prime Minister would be sending an openly gay woman of Chinese ancestry to Bali to ratify the Kyoto protocol on Australia’s behalf?

Kyoto, of course, has been one of the great symbolic differences between Labor and the coalition; another is Work-Choices, and Julia Gillard is already busy putting that to sleep so she can concentrate on what she rightly sees as her main job, implementing Rudd’s education revolution.

And the third major symbol will be the long overdue apology to the stolen generation, now being prepared, as it should be, not just by the government, but in consultation with Aboriginal leaders.

1 comment:

  1. consider this: a year ago, did you imagine that the Prime Minister would be sending an openly gay woman of Chinese ancestry to Bali to ratify the Kyoto protocol on Australia’s behalf?

    It sounds like Pauline Hanson's worst nightmare.


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