
Wednesday 16 January 2008

Australian court rules against Japan's whalers - Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha P/L failed to show and Japanese Government says 'so what'

How the international media saw the Australia-Japan whaling standoff yesterday.
"SYDNEY, Jan 15 (Reuters) - In a purely symbolic act but one that could inflame bilateral ties, an Australian court ruled on Tuesday that a Japanese whaling company broke environment laws by killing whales in Australia's Antarctic waters.
The Federal Court of Australia ordered Japanese whaler Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd stop killing whales in Australia's Antarctic whale sanctuary, saying that unless it was "restrained" it would continue to kill and injure whales.
But the court has no jurisdiction outside Australia and the Japanese government denied the whalers were doing anything illegal.
"According to the International Whaling Commission, what the Japanese whaling fleet is doing in the South Pacific and Antarctic region is legal," said Tomohiko Taniguchi, a spokesman at Japan's Foreign Ministry.
An official at Japan's Fisheries Ministry declined to comment.
An Australian fisheries ship is searching for the Japanese whaling fleet to gather photographic evidence for an international court case aimed at stopping Japan's annual "scientific" hunt.
Japan plans to hunt almost 1,000 minke and fin whales for research over the Antarctic summer, but has abandoned the cull of 50 humpback whales after international condemnation and a formal diplomatic protest by 31 nations.
Humane Society International (HSI) launched legal action against Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd in 2004, seeking a federal court injunction against harvesting in the Australian Whale Sanctuary."
Reuters yesterday:
How Australia saw the same situation.
"1. THE COURT DECLARES that the respondent has killed, injured, taken and interfered with Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) and fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and injured, taken and interfered with humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Australian Whale Sanctuary in contravention of sections 229, 229A, 229B and 229C of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), (the "Act"), and has treated and possessed such whales killed or taken in the Australian Whale Sanctuary in contravention of sections 229D and 230 of the Act, without permission or authorisation under sections 231, 232 or 238 of the Act.
2. THE COURT ORDERS that the respondent be restrained from killing, injuring, taking or interfering with any Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) or humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Australian Whale Sanctuary, or treating or possessing any such whale killed or taken in the Australian Whale Sanctuary, unless permitted or authorised under sections 231, 232 or 238 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)."


  1. Japanese whale fishing is completely lawful.
    And is completely scientific.
    In addition, it is a Japanese gastronomic culture to eat whales.
    You should refrain from the act of denying the culture of another country.
    watch this video.

    To the person who wants to know why Japan hunts whales

    [DragonBall] Freezer VS Japanese whaling;_ylt=Ap_0uUICejnG3TGasvh8ePvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080204060044AAgG9Cy

    Why do the media of australia tell a lie and censorship?
    if doubt me? Post my comment this URL.,23599,23155612-5007146,00.html

  2. To daisk5 - why are you such a liar and perpetuating such a barbaric and terrible practice? You disgust me by favoring the killing of such a beautiful and intelligent animal.

    Japan does not need to kill these beautiful animals. Also, why don't you pick a theory - first you say it is lawful, and then you saw it is scientific, and then you say it is part of the culture and diet! What excuse is it? You are a liar and a disgrace. Fish, not whale, is the staple of the Japanese diet. Not to mention you didn't even bother to keep the meet until after the Second World War. It is certainly not part of your culture, unless it is your culture slowly drown an intelligent and beautiful animal in it's own blood so that you can profit from it.

    I am disgusted with people like you, diask5

  3. If you look, they are breaking international law no matter if its for food or anything else, how they can say that the Sea Shepard group is doing anything illegal when they themselfs are breaking the law is redicules. I have no respect for the japanese anymore, they think they are above everyone else....we shouldnt of taken out hussien we should of went after them.....

  4. they are commercially whaling under the disguise of research. everyone knows this.

    What Japan needs to do is abandon this pointless research/killing of whales and start a program that researches their gigantic jellyfish problem.


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