
Tuesday 22 January 2008

Commonwealth of Australia. Britain's last colony or 51st state of good ol' US of A?

"One of Australia's largest Defence contractors has been granted an exemption from racial discrimination laws in order to comply with tight US security requirements.
BAE Systems Australia says it needs to be able to prevent employees with dual-nationality of certain "proscribed nations" from working on some top secret Defence projects.
Under US guidelines, citizens of countries such as Iran, Syria, China and Sudan cannot have access to some information.
At South Australia's Equal Opportunity Tribunal, BAE argued that it would have to move its Adelaide headquarters and sack hundreds of workers if its application was not approved.
Today, it was given a three-year exemption under a number of conditions.
BAE must ensure staff do not suffer loss from their exclusion and it can only inform particular managers of a worker's exclusion from a project."
Yes, we live in strange days. BAE Systems PLC the third largest global defence company (registered in England and Wales), through one of its subsidiary companies here in this country, just successfully applied to the South Australian Equal Opportunities Tribunal to have Australia's anti-discrimination laws quashed for three years at its Adelaide works in order to appease the 
US Bush Administration.
This is globalisation gone mad.

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