
Tuesday 1 January 2008

It's the year 2008: one European city-state and one Antipodean nation are regressing

According to The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday, the Vatican announced this week that it will be training hundreds of new exorcists world-wide, because the young are being exposed to Satanism through the media, rock music and the internet.
And I thought all those devil vibes were coming out of the Bush Administration and the Pentagon!
It seems that Cardinal Ratzinger now Pope Benedict XVl cannot decide which century he is actually residing in.
Perhaps it's time for a few good, level-headed Aussie members of his flock to remind His Holiness that it is now 2008.

Meanwhile, according to ABC News on the same day, the new Federal Telecommunications Minister Stephen Conroy told Australia that all internet connections will soon be subject to mandatory ISP filtering in order to shield the young from violence and pornography.
Leaving us all to wonder exactly how much online news and current affairs will make it past this enthusiastic censor, if such 'filtering' causes regional download speed to decrease even more than the current snailpace or if the mooted opt-out function does not reliably work.
Has Senator Conroy been speaking with his Pope?

1 comment:

  1. Pope Benedict XVI's sister says:

    Memo to The Pope and other interested parties with vested interests:

    To be frank, Pope Benedict XVl should have updated this website before now

    All prospective nominees who have even the slightest interest in taking the post after Ben need to know how their current name stands up when it's put to the translation test.


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