
Saturday 26 January 2008

Just how much is an old prime minister worth?

Well, we are all now aware that John Winston Howard is offering himself as an international speaker for hire.
The Liverpool City Champion in England has just given us an idea of how much The Washington Speakers Bureau might be charging to hear The Great Man's pearls of wisdom.
How much do you think a tired old neo-con is worth on this fee scale?
"The website does not say how much eager audiences will have to cough up to hear Mr Howard but its billing code offers six categories, in US dollars: $1000-$7500; $7501-$10,000; 10,001-$15,000; 15,001-$25,000; 25,001-$40,000; and $40,001 and over."
The Liverpool City Champion article:
Now The Sydney Morning Herald informs us of at least four US speaking engagements next month.
If John Howard were to fall in the mid-range of the billing code he might potentially be earning US$60,000 over those four weeks.
Subsidised as well by the Australian taxpayer who is paying for that research/personal assistant.
While Howard is overseas talking up his place in history, let us hope that he will refrain from sour grapes.
Because, behind the fine public words of those close to the Bush Administration, there lies a basic lack of comprehension concerning the Australian Labor Party which makes Americans nervous.
The fact that John Howard's visit appears scheduled to closely precede Kevin Rudd's first official visit as Prime Minister leaves Howard with an opportunity for some private political mischief-making.
The Sydney Morning Herald today:

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