
Saturday 19 January 2008

Kevin 08: fools rushing in

"The consensus in the intelligence world suggests the greater threat to Australia is from home-grown terrorists rather than foreigners. Arms of government that have never previously had front-line involvement in developing national security policy, such as Treasury and AusAID, have been asked to come up with proposals to be considered by cabinet, most likely next month.
The Government will significantly broaden the definition of national security to include non-conventional threats such as climate change, natural disasters and the economy.
Australia will look to the annual US national security strategy, which encompasses challenges posed to security by the growth of the global economy.-------------
A key figure in this process will be Mr Rudd's US-style national security adviser, who is yet to be appointed."
You silly, silly, silly sods - is the Rudd Government incapable of learning a lesson from the former Howard Government's slavish aping of the Bush Administration, which resulted (with some active   encouragement by senior Coalition politicians) in that federal government being led through the nose by empire-builders and inflated egos in both intelligence and police circles.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you.It's totally the wrong focus.


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