
Tuesday 8 January 2008

Not racism - just a genuine concern for whales which inhabit Australian waters

Yesterday the news was full of reports that an anti-Australian, pro-whaling video sourced out of Japan was on the Internet.
The video by SasukeZ7 erroneously implies that Australia is being racist in its anti-whaling stance.
It had been viewed over 100,000 times when I clicked on.
Pity that all ethical debating rules went out the window when this visual tirade was created.
If the author had taken time to think he/she would realise that Australia opposes any country whaling in the Antarctic, not just the Japanese fleet.
Link to video:
In SasukeZ7's YouTube profile is a bald statement that Australia's Professor Tim Flannery supports Japanese whaling.
Bet that will impress Tim, as he had expressly stated his relief that Japan has abandoned plans to kill endangered Humpback whales.
In addition, his general support for Minke whaling was qualified and he drew attention to problems with how these mammals are being killed.
Not too sure that he was impressed by the fact that the Japanese fleet intends to also hunt 50 endangered Fin whales.
The Daily Telegraph article in December 2007:
As a piece of crude propaganda SasukeZ7's video did nothing to change my views, but it did manage to irritate. I suspect that many others would feel the same.

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