
Monday 7 January 2008

Rudd meets with US Congressional Leaders delegation

"PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has taken a break from his summer holidays to meet two of the United States' most powerful parliamentary leaders today.
Mr Rudd met the 13-member US Congressional Leaders delegation at his Sydney residence, Kirribilli House, this evening.
There was expected to be a host of issues on the agenda during their meeting, including the US-Australian alliance and security issues such as Iraq and Afghanistan." yesterday:
This should have made for an interesting exchange of ideas.
Congressman Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the leading Democrat in the delegation, appears to believe the only errors made in going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq were that not enough troops were sent and that combat forces deserve a pay rise.
While Congressman Roy Blunt of Southwest Missouri, the senior Republican in the group, seems to think everything is going just fine in Iraq, supports a continued US presence in Afghanistan and knows that all is peachy keen at Guantanamo Bay .
Now that the Prime Minister has met with some of his new best friends, will we see a further softening of Federal Labor's stance on Australian military involvement in Iraq?

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