
Monday 28 January 2008

Telstra's Next G being tested by NSW North Coast resident

"Telstra raised Mr Cameron's hackles when it started telling people they'd have to switch networks fast or lose their phone number.-------Mr Cameron said he had just got a Next G handset from Telstra, which he planned to compare with his CDMA handset. He had selected 35 'marginal' locations around Goonengerry, Coopers Creek, Federal, Eureka and between Eureka and Lismore, where he gets coverage on his CDMA phone.
He had tested each location by calling his home and leaving a message on his answering machine describing the location, the time of day and the weather conditions. The next step would be to go through the same process with his new Next G phone.
"However, even if he could get clear messages through to his home phone, most of the new network's features would be wasted in the bush.
"It's really starting to annoy me," he said. "Even if we get to the point where Next G can be said to be as good as CDMA, there's still questions of why we have to go to it.
"Because of the enhanced applications, the video calls and rapid downloads, even if we can get it as good as CDMA we won't get the speed or consistency of coverage for those enhanced functions; so we're having to pay for a new $500 phone to get the same phone coverage as we had before."
Telstra, at the request of Mr Conroy, has set up a 1800 number to answer questions about the new network and the axing of the old one."
The Northern Star article last Sunday:

1 comment:

  1. To see the actual test results in and around Byron Shire, go to

    For more information on why and how the tests were conducted go to

    Its all come to nothing as the Communications Department and Telstra have both refused to acknowledge the tests or to address the results before deciding to close the network. At least the test results will give you an idea where the Next G blackspots are.

    My strong advice is don't go over to Next G until you have completed your own tests. Be very wary about accepting the word of Telstra as to coverage.


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