
Thursday 10 January 2008

Three political halleluiahs and a vote for me

I must admit that, apart from watching the SBS TV delayed telecast of US public broadcasting nightly news, I'm not closely following the Democrat and Republican presidential nomination races that are in progress right now.
What I do see in the news and current affairs programs has me wondering.
It may be that American and Australian media just go for theatrical bytes when selecting film clips to accompany news stories, otherwise it is hard to explain the almost total lack of broad policy articulated by these presidential hopefuls.
Vagueness appears to be the order of the day.
Most of their public appearances look and sound more like Christian revival meetings than political rallies.
I keep expecting a robed choir to break into a hymn behind each candidate.
Perhaps Obama, Clinton, McCain, Romney, Huckabee etc., should look at what recently happened to an Australian prime minister who relied on repetitious, 'aspirational' speeches.
He lost.

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