
Thursday 28 February 2008

Aussie blogosphere typing and talking in 2008

Australia: Average Web Usage

Month of January 2008
Home Panel
Sessions/Visits Per Person
Domains Visited Per Person
PC Time Per Person
Duration of a Web Page Viewed
Active Digital Media Universe
Current Digital Media Universe Estimate
Goggle Trends result for 2008 using search terms "kevin rudd" and "rudd government"
At least 11 million Australians are regular internet users and it seems that, in comparison to the global internet, local users spend slightly more time online per month on average than the rest of the world, visit fewer domains but visit more often, and spend longer on each web page.
Some reports indicate that Australians have created around 2 million blog sites.
Many of us are also likely to look up Kevin Rudd on Google.
On the NSW North Coast there are conservatively at least 80,000 people who can access the internet each day at home, work or by a public access site. 

All of which will make it interesting to monitor the progress of that new wiki
Oz Ideas  (set up as an alternative forum to the Rudd Government's Australia 2020 Summit).


  1. Well, I can tell you...Oz Ideas is doing great! In one week, we've had over 700 unique visitors who posted over 70 ideas. The only thing missing are all your readers! Drop by at

  2. Nice to hear the site is doing so well.
    Keep up the good work.


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