
Monday 4 February 2008

Is there no-one brave enough to send Peter Garrett to the backbenches?

Peter Garrett attracts bad press like a magnet and almost appears to go out of his way to create conditions for the political gaffe.
Under fire for his volte-face agreement with the Coalition on Gunn's pulp mill proposal during the election campaign, he then went on as the new Environment Minister to endorse another disaster in the making - Port Phillip Bay dredging.
In between, he managed a large and very public foot in the mouth over Labor's future policy intentions.
Somewhere in all this he also cocked-up his part in organising Australia's monitoring of this year's Antarctic whaling season.
Now it seems Garrett thinks he can finalise the Bay dredging issues by looking at documents "over the weekend". At the same time putting Gunn's mill to bed by approving the environmental plan in stages, while hoping Australia doesn't notice by announcing it after 5pm on a Friday night.
The man is shaping up as Federal Labor's great galah. Gawd knows what will happen to this minister once February 13 comes around and he has to get to his feet in the House of Reps.
By then he'll have probably brought Labor's entire environmental platform crashing down.
Especially as Rudd has just given him responsibility for community and household climate change action, greenhouse gas abatement and energy efficiency.
What on earth was the Prime Minister thinking?

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