
Thursday 7 February 2008

A Japanese perspective on Antarctic whaling

UPI Asia Online reported yesterday on Antarctic whaling and the Japanese perspective.
It appears that there is some domestic questioning of the right to hunt whales in the Southern Ocean, but the Government of Japan is holding out for concessions which allow it to increase its coastal whale kill elsewhere.
By canvassing a suggestion of concessions, the US-based Pelham Charitable Trust has opened Pandora's Box and encouraged the intransigence of Japan's whalers.

An Australian perspective can be found in The Daily Telegraph today.
Along with this
article and photo of a slaughtered female Minke whale and calf.

The Australian Government continues to monitor Japan's Antarctic whale hunt with a view to taking legal action.

It should be noted that Japan is not conducting indigenous subsistence whaling in the Southern Ocean. This is a large-scale commercial kill for profit under the guise of 'scientific' research.

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