
Friday 1 February 2008

Kevin Rudd sprays for propaganda roaches and Brendan Nelson bombs

Rudders is a bit of a wonder. The election promises of Kevin 07 are being ticked off at a gratifying rate.
Now it's the turn of the former Howard Government propaganda juggernaut.
The Ministerial Committee for Government Communications is to be abolished and the Government Communications Unit is gone.
Government advertising is to be slashed. Advertising policy and practice are being redesigned -
hopefully with reference to the many calls for a more transparent disclosure of marketing costs.
I look forward to a life where government advertising doesn't constantly assault my senses with the bl**dy obvious or insult my intelligence with blatant lies.
Or am I living in a fool's paradise?
This week Brendan Nelson wants a preview of the Commonwealth Government's formal apology to indigenous Australians, to make sure that the government is not apologising for the wrong things. He worries that other matters are more important.
Is this Liberal Party buffoon serious? Will someone please put this bloke out of his misery by challenging his leadership.

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