
Friday 15 February 2008

Promises, promises, Mr. Hockey

I seem to remember that about three weeks out from the November 2007 polling day, Joe Hockey (then Federal Minister for Workplace Relations) flamboyantly vowed that he would quit the front bench if the Government made substantial changes to WorkChoices legislation.
Well, the Government may be of a different hue this year and Joe may be sitting on the shadow front bench, but will he keep his promise now that Julia Gillard has introduced the first bill to start dismantling WorkChoices?
Nah, didn't think so. :-) The man who tried to wish nation-wide AWAs on us all just won't go away. Even Kevin Rudd's 2008-09 parliamentary salary freeze won't shift him - the private sector job offers just aren't all that attractive yet. Or is it that he sees himself as Opposition leader?

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