
Tuesday 25 March 2008

Broke Libs call on politically bankrupt Howard to fill the party kitty in NSW

It's now four months since the Liberal and National parties were frogmarched out of government.
Plenty of time for the parties to regroup and find a common direction.
However the apparently cash-strapped NSW Liberals are determined to keep reminding voters of their past folly - they have invited John Howard to speak at a fundraiser this May.
At least they appear to have had the grace to hide this 'tribute' dinner away in the suburbs and not charge thousands of dollars for a seat.
In fact tickets are rumoured to be on the cheap side. Probably because Howard's recent US speaking tour showed that he has nothing left to offer except reworkings of his 2007 election set pieces.
I suspect that, besides being in need of a metaphorical group hug from those guests attending, Howard is using this event to keep his profile up just in case a publisher does actually decide to purchase his autobiography.
It surely can't be because this former PM wants to meddle in domestic politics - he was always so vocal in his condemnation of other prime ministerial relics who refused to fade away.

1 comment:

  1. So long as the Liberal party and the boil on their back side, the National party continue to cling to the right-wing, red necked, religious nutters among their ranks, the whole sorry lot of them will be a political curiosity to most people and an embarrassment to the rest. They should do away with the word "Liberal" in their name as well, they are anything but.


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