
Sunday 2 March 2008

How Australia sees its political winners and losers in 2008

Roy Morgan Research has released the findings of a poll undertaken on the nights of 27-28 February  2008.

Concerns since ALP has been running country:

•   Many electors expressed concern over the ALP's recent handling of inflation and interest rates (eg. "They are uncertain about economic policies and interest rates");

•  Another recurring theme was concern about the Government's handling of environmental issues (eg. "I think Labor is getting the wrong advice on green and environmental issues");

•  Some electors also cited concern about the ALP scrapping the recently introduced Industrial Relation laws (eg. "A certain amount of people got jobs because of workplace agreements");

•  Some others expressed concern over the Prime Minister's handling of the apology to the Stolen Generation (eg. "Apology to the Aboriginals. They said there would be no claims, but today in the paper there was a law suit").

Concerns since Coalition has been in Opposition:

•  Many electors expressed concern about the lack of decent leadership and party unity within the Liberal party (eg. "They have no direction and the wheels have fallen off the Liberal party in Australia. They need to support their leader and stop all their in-fighting");

•  One of the recurring concerns in regards to the Liberal Party was disappointment over the Opposition's handling of the apology to the Stolen Generation (eg. "The way they handled the 'apology' on Sorry Day was disgusting, very un-Australian");

•  A large number of electors have concerns about the Liberal's policy direction (eg. "They are trying to justify a lot of untenable political decisions from the past").

Concerns since Kevin Rudd became PM:

•  There is a concern among some electors that Mr Rudd places too much emphasis on public relations and not enough focus on decision-making (eg. "I think he's more concerned about the publicity he receives than actually doing his job");

•  A number of electors also queried whether Mr Rudd would fulfil the many promises he made during the election campaign (eg. "I think he'll be the same as John Howard — make a lot of promises but not follow through").

Concerns since Brendan Nelson became Opposition Leader:

•  One of the recurring themes regarding Dr Brendan Nelson's role as Opposition Leader was his lack of profile (eg. "I don't even know him. He's an invisible man as far as I'm concerned");

•  Some electors also expressed concerns over Dr Nelson's leadership skills (eg. "To me he seems like a scared little parrot and I don't think he will be there long");

•  A number of electors also said they were disappointed over Dr Nelson's handling of the recent apology to the Stolen Generation (eg. "His attitude towards Indigenous people. I don't think he handled the apology to the Aboriginal people with as much sincerity as Labor did").

Further breakdown of poll.

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