
Saturday 1 March 2008

Obama wants you in a car and on your way to Rhode Island - right now!

As the US presidential nominee race speeds up in both the Republican and Democratic camps, those e-mails from the Obama for America team just keep coming.

Yesterday's e-mail

Dear [redacted],
Rhode Island's primary is next Tuesday, March 4th, and you can play a major role in this important contest.
Talking face-to-face with fellow voters is the most effective way to spread our message of change and Get Out The Vote for Barack.
In the days leading up to the primary -- and particularly on Primary Day itself -- supporters all across Rhode Island are organizing a statewide canvass.
Take a trip to Rhode Island, and join your fellow supporters in canvassing for Barack:
Grassroots organizing by supporters across the country has been essential to our success so far.
Thanks to you and your fellow supporters, we're going into the Rhode Island primary with the momentum of 11 straight wins.
The March 4th primaries could be the decisive moment that puts this movement over the top.
But in such a close race, we need to bring as many people into this process as possible.
The Rhode Island canvass can make all the difference -- but that depends on you. Help make sure voters hear about the kind of change Barack will bring to Rhode Island.
You don't need any prior experience to join this effort. The only requirement is your dedication to this movement for change.
Come to Rhode Island this weekend, meet your fellow supporters, and talk to voters about why you are part of this movement:
When people work together toward a common purpose, anything is possible.
See you in Rhode Island,
Nicole Derse
Out-of-State Volunteer Coordinator
Obama for America

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