
Saturday 1 March 2008

Turnbull's many pennies from heaven

Pssst ... want a few sly million?

Well, of course! And, why not?

Then contact Malcolm Turnbull.

ABC News reports

that Shadow Treasurer Malcolm Turnbull has some explaining to do over a generous grant he made at the start of last year's election campaign.

Treasurer Wayne Swan says Turnbull granted $10 million to a corporation for the trial of new rainfall enhancement technology when his department recommended they only be given $2 million.

"That grant was five times the recommended amount of money that his department put forward," Swan said.

"Secondly Mr Turnbull signed off on that grant one day after the announcement of the election campaign in October and two days before the close of the writs."


This sounds a big bit suss! Turnbull has some answering to do.

Hopefully, he'll provides the answers before he gets bogged down with his homework in relation to a little matter about HIH.

Rumour has it that "Talcum Murnbull", a new men's toiletry product, will be available in stores soon.

Watch this space.

Read the report at

1 comment:

  1. Good one Clarrie, but you overlooked something that's very important.

    The Australian,25197,23303342-12377,00.html provides this extra bit of info:

    "The trial was to be conducted by the Australian Rain Corporation (ARC) in conjunction with the University of Queensland (UQ) and the CSIRO.

    ARC was established by Sydney multi-millionaire Matt Handbury, a friend of Mr Turnbull and the nephew of News Corporation (parent company of the publisher of chairman Rupert Murdoch.

    That's what I call 'friends in high places'.



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