
Saturday 5 April 2008

Advice to the lovelorn: Labor 'consoles' the Nationals

The Daily Examiner published this letter to the editor yesterday which had a local Labor luminary giving Dear Abby advice to the NSW North Coast Nationals failed candidate for Page, Chris Gulaptis.
Love stinks
POOR Chris Gulaptis; jilted by Labor as he tried desperately to get beyond that first stolen kiss, then an engagement with the Liberals broken off and finally marriage with the Nationals never consummated.
Love can be cruel.
Never mind Chris, tomorrow's a new day.
Get out there and get yourself a new flash suit, a smart haircut, a lovely big bunch of fresh flowers and start wooing the Democrats.
They know all about unrequited love and you never know, it just may end up a match made in heaven.
Bill O'Donnell

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