
Saturday 26 April 2008

As grocery prices bite one North Coast resident thinks it's time for price fixing to return

Each day we hear that the cost of food is getting out of control and it is beginning to develop into a bigger problem than global warning.
It is time to reintroduce price fixing to stop the greed of our large supermarkets and also the greed of our banks.

Up to 1000% mark up is just not on. After the war it was 331/3% and the country managed. People could budget and live comfortably. Now that things are getting out of hand it is time to get rid of the middle man as he is not needed and let the profits go to where they belong namely, the producer.

Economists will disagree but if the situation can't be corrected by present day practices new drastic measures must be undertaken to rectify the situation.

Fair go for all, not just the rich and the greedy.

Clarence Valley

* Guest Speak is a North Coast Voices segment allowing serious or satirical guest comment from Northern Rivers residents

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