
Thursday 24 April 2008

Those Labor media flirts are at it again

Fair go, Kev. Your mob are turning into bigger media flirts than the little leathered Goebbels you replaced.
Faced with a fair bit of media flack over 2020, what'd you do?
Why yesterday you pre-empt any findings of the current ACCC inquiry into grocery prices by announcing that you will make it easier for foreign-owned supermarkets to undertake start-ups in Australia.
Got news for you, mate - Walmart and the likes are not famous for delivering genuine competition or value to the customer either.
And new players on the retail scene are not going to benefit rural and regional towns, because we don't have the population numbers to support all the big players and small business dies off when one enters the main street.
The ACCC (which isn't due to delivery its findings until July) only started public hearings at the beginning of the month and only received around 116 points of view before its submissions deadline.
Aussie farmers haven't even finished giving evidence yet.
Here in regional New South Wales where prices are also upped by fuel and transport costs, I'm sure most of us would appreciate the Federal Government not jumping the gun just to grab a headline.
A fair dinkum stab at establishing competition and realistic pricing is what we're after.

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