
Thursday 8 May 2008

Australia 2008: What the unions create the unions can take away

Neither Our Kev or Little Morrie have had their history hats on over this last month or so as they both push the privatisation of NSW power industry assets, in the face of widespread general public and union opposition to this plan.
Both the Prime Minister and the NSW Premier are forgetting that in the 19th century it was the unions which birthed the Australian Labor Party and then nurtured it to adulthood.

With Labor now so far to the right of centre on the political spectrum that it seems almost indistinguishable from the Liberal Party most of the time, many ordinary Australians are browned off and beginning to ask themselves who represents their interests now.
Perhaps the time has come for the labour movement to birth another political party which more accurately represents the 21st century Aussie battler.

I know that if the unions put together another party based on notions of equality, equity and social justice I would probably vote for its candidates.
Any vote for Labor these last thirty years has usually been a compromise between a bad choice and an even worse choice.

Thanks to Club Troppo for displaying the pic of a young comrade.

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