
Tuesday 20 May 2008

Current Lib leadership not worth a bent zac

I wonder when the Liberal Party of Australia is going to realise that its political salvation does not lie in a choice between Brendan Nelson and Malcolm Turnbull as federal leader.
The party's entire federal front bench is so tainted by the Howard years, that public opinion polls are not likely to firm into double digits for any length of time with any of the usual suspects captaining the ship.
Every time one of these shadow ministers front a camera it is hard not to recall that they all turned a blind eye while refugees drowned at sea, drove people into madness in detention centres, allowed mates to fund a dictator with brown paper bags full of money, sent our kids to war based on WMD lies and generally rorted the political system.
Time for new blood fellas - or your particular craft just might sink without a trace.

Right now, as teh Opposition, you are p*ss weak.

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