
Friday 9 May 2008

If the killer tomatoes don't get you that half-glass of wine will!

Non-iodised salt is bad for you. So is refined sugar. Ditto caffeine, processed meat, dairy fats and all those trans-thingummyjigs. Nicotine of course will almost always kill you.

It's not healthy to drink water during a meal, it's unhealthy to drink water at the end of a meal.
Food dyes, MSG and food cooked over charcoal or in a microwave are harmful. No wait, well maybe. Fresh air good. Sunlight dangerous.

Exercise every single day to live longer. You don't have to exercise each day to live longer.
Don't make your home near power lines, main roads or mail clearing centres (someone may go postal).
Cities are unhealthy places, however you will get sicker during an illness if you live in the country.
Pain is universal, but you will feel less of it if you are well off.
Your fate is in your genes. No your fate is in your own hands.

In whatever manner you behave you might eventually die from SARS, bird flu, haemorrhagic fever, tidal wave, hang nail or an attack of the killer tomatoes. The experts all agree - every body dies!

Now we're told that imbibing any alcohol whatsoever will eventually
raise our cancer risk.

For heavens sake - will those professional moral panickers forever running to the media give us all a break. Modern life is full of risk, every day and every minute. Life's like that. In fact it has been like that since the world began.
Because life is more than the political agendas of professors, politicians, parsons and bureaucrats.

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