
Monday 19 May 2008

Someone's having a lend of Stephen Conroy

Now I know that pollies can be quite dense outside their area of expertise (ie., how to get elected) but someone must be actively having a lend of the Federal Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy for him to have endorsed including "promotion of" technology addiction in the terms of reference for a recently formed cyber-safety consultative working group.
Nobody could be that dumb surely.
Even I know that this so-called addiction is one of the many supposed problematic behaviours which suddenly pop up overnight like mushrooms and get exposure in the media whenever major pharmaceutical companies are hunting to expand their markets.
Stephen won't find it or any variant listed in the DSM or recognised by the principal specialist medical associations, even if his departmental website links try to imply that this addiction exists as a mental disorder.
The next time a shrink makes a joke about the psychopathology of childhood, I bet this gullible minister will bite.
M'oath, he'd probably even buy a roo's tailfeather if you offered it to him!

If the Minister is interested, the website which reputedly gave the drug companies their 'bright' idea is here.

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