
Saturday 10 May 2008

Would you like a little Horst Wessel with your gruel, Oliver?

'Jackboot Jenny'
Macklin is goosestepping across the welfare arena again.
This apologist for the reich is suggesting that it will not just be parents with young children who may be issued with a Centrelink debit card instead of cash into bank account welfare payments - in future
old-age pensioners may possibly be open to having their pensions quarantined and she is also not ruling out instances where 100% of a pension, benefit or allowance may be quarantined.

What the Minister for Community Services is signalling is that this Federal Government intends to follow the wishes of neo-con think tanks and the big retail chain stores/supermarkets and, turn as many Centrelink payment categories as possible into versions of 'food stamp' welfare.
It won't matter if you have no young children or don't drink, drug, smoke or gamble.
What the minister is progressing here is a move to a universal quarantine.

Just so that everyone who is now receiving any form of government pension, benefit, allowance or concession feels that all is well as their liberty is being crippled by Neu Labor, I have included a link to the Horst Wessel
Feel free to sing along as Rudd and Macklin turned us all into Australian untermenschen.

1 comment:

  1. Remember how the Aboriginal people decided before the last election to " fire John Howard " ?? Well, have no fear : the word is already out to " fire Jenny Macklin " and Kevin Rudd's existence hangs on just how far he follows this fascist feline in her attempts to subjigate all welfare recipients.

    Does Macklin REALLY think that we'll just stand by while she ruins our lives with her Nazi like actions ? NO WAY !!

    They seem to forget : the swing FOR them at the last election was comprised MOSTLY of Aboriginal people and welfare recipients.They'd had enough of Howard's jackboot reign . That swing will just as easily go AGAINST them at the next election ; and from my eyes, I can see NO other result if this oppression of the low income people continues. Let them have their fun while they are able ; and then Labor will be banished to the Opposition " badlands" for a long, long time yet again.

    Have a look at our site :
    You'll see some very good examples of where people's rights have been trampled into the dust with little or NO regard for the outcome.


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