
Monday 16 June 2008

Fight for the right of your community to have a say in local development - go to and have your say

It's time to step up and support the push for a NSW Upper House inquiry into Frank Sartor's draconian, pro-developer changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
Go to and follow the links to its email page.
To make it easy the Local Government and Shires Association has produced a template email letter.
The need for an inquiry into the 200 pages of changes to planning laws will be debated in the Upper House tomorrow, Tuesday 17 June 2008.
A parliamentary committee has raised serious concerns about the proposed New South Wales planning laws.
The cross-party committee, which included four Labor politicians, found 20 problems with the new bills, including that they could provide Planning Minister Frank Sartor and the planning commissions with oppressive power.
It also found the laws could compromise people's rights and liberties, and remove procedural fairness.
Local Government Association president Genia McCaffrey says the findings vindicate her call for an Upper House inquiry into the bills.
"We've been saying this is going to remove the rights of people to protect their homes," she said.
"The parliamentary inquiry is confirming exactly what we're saying when it says they're concerned that the rights of local residents will be seriously under threat."
More on the subject from The Northern Rivers Echo here and The Byron Shire Echo here.

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