
Wednesday 18 June 2008

For once it wasn't Brendan's fault....

Federal Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson has received another slap in the face from the latest Newspoll.
Wee Brennie is now trailing as preferred prime minister at a dismal 13%, but is it all his fault?
I suspect that he is suffering a negative washback from voter judgments about Julie Bishop's prissy attempts at political point scoring on the floor of the House and elsewhere, Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott's whiteanting in the media, and Joe Hockey's ridiculous, time wasting, televised 'points of order' that aren't.
Bren, mate, it's just as much the Liberal Party's fault as it is yours.

The recent attempt to make political capital out of Iguana-gate exposed the party's weakness and lack of coherent strategy.
However, with these inflated egos in full cry I doubt if you can rein them in before they cost you the leadership.

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