
Wednesday 25 June 2008

'Round the traps this week

Losin' my religion....

In this ultra-conservative, religion-raddled world we now seem to live in, it's beaut to see that the secular jibe is alive and well at The Quotations Page.

"Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck."
George Carlin
Late US comedian and actor


Obama leads McCain by 3 points in Oregon and 15 points in Washington according to a SurveyUSA for June 17-19.
McCain leads Obama by 28 points in Utah according to a Dan Jones survey for the same days.
From Vote from Abroad yesterday.

Best blog pic this week

One of the few things
cities do better
than the country -
toilet door commentary.

Pic found at PollieGraph

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