
Thursday 10 July 2008

Come all ye faithfull and Sieg Heil George Pell

Stone the crows! Cardinal Pell's wet dream has finally come true.

This month, in connivance with the NSW Iemma Government, he has managed to roll back political and social history as far as the Middle Ages, when church and state were so closely intertwined that they were virtually one.

Annoying or inconveniencing participants in the Catholic Church's taxpayer-funded indulgence, World Youth Day, is now an arrestable offence in this state.

And no, George, I won't believe any hot air about these draconian measures not being sought by the Church. This sort of thing is exactly your style. As is beating up on victims of sexual abuse.

With over 10,000 votes recorded by The Sydney Morning Herald online poll and 90% of those votes going against the Labor far-right mafia's new regulations, it seems that many are unhappy with this turn of events.

Annoying pilgrims at Youth Day : What do you think of the new laws?
For them - 10%
Against them - 90%
Total Votes: 10983
Poll date: 01/07/08

In the interests of thumbing a nose at both Iemma and Pell - here's a little something from Rottentoons.


Today's Herald Sun article revealing legal attempts (by the Church in New South Wales led by Cardinal Pell) to avoid any legal responsibility to compensate victims of abuse.

This is not a matter of historic record. This is the Catholic Church in 2008 using legal devices to avoid responsibility in court for parishioners raped, sodomised or otherwise abused in its "care".

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