
Monday 14 July 2008

Tony Abbott: when the political ambition is the joke

According to The Manly Daily the Libs Tony Abbott has not abandoned all hope of becoming Prime Minister of Oz one day.

"WARRINGAH MP Tony Abbott is writing a manifesto outlining his plan for Australia under his leadership.The Oppostion frontbencher has revealed a radical proposal for a vastly stronger Federal Government at the expense of the states.And in so doing so has reignited leadership speculation."

Someone's having a lend of us, right?
A quick surf of
Open Australia gives a few choice examples of how The Mad Monk can disrupt the business of Parliament.

Questions without Notice: Workplace Relations (26 Mar 2007)
Anthony Abbott: Mr Speaker, I said that she was a liar and I withdraw that.
Matters of Public Importance: Health Care (13 Jun 2007)
Anthony Abbott: At the close of my contribution to the MPI discussion I referred to two opposition staffers as scum. I should not have done that. I apologise. But they are notorious dirt diggers and I wonder why Saint Kevin has employed them.
Questions without Notice: Mental Health Services (27 Mar 2007)
Mr Speaker, don’t let
Dr Death wreck Medicare like he did the health services in Queensland.
Questions to the Speaker: Question Time (29 Mar 2006)
You big bellowing cow.

As for his
communications skills generally.

Has spoken in
85 debates in the last year — well above average amongst MPs.
People have made 0 comments on this MP's speeches — well above average amongst MPs.
This MP's speeches are understandable to an average 17–18 year old, going by the
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score.
0 people are tracking whenever this MP speaks —
email me whenever Anthony Abbott speaks.
Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 215 times in debates — well above average amongst MPs. (
Why is this here?)

While Google Trends shows that Australia and the rest of the world are
more interested in cane toads.
Tone's the blue line and cane toads are the red.

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