
Saturday 9 August 2008

Dear Google........

Dear Google,

I've had a peek at your Street View program on Google Maps and I'm not impressed that my residence comes up in a simple search, with a photograph of the full property frontage.

I am especially not impressed because the instructions on how to apply to have this image removed don't seem to help, because it doesn't present like this.
It comes up as a smaller fish-eye photo [cbk.jpg] without a Street View Help link in any way attached.
Ergo, no facility to have the image removed.

I might live in a NSW Northern Rivers street where the biggest thing to disturb the peace is usually the weekly garbage collection; however, this is not always the case and a private residence in my street has been subject to politically motivated ******** ***** **** *** **** ****** [redacted for privacy reasons].

I haven't spoken to anyone yet who appreciates pictures of their homes being copyrighted and given international distribution.

Now seriously thinking about pulling your adverts from this blog.

Yours in disgust,


UPDATE: Google has now removed the photograph [10.08.08]

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