
Sunday 3 August 2008

Howard supports Nelson. Who cares, replies electorate

Former prime minister and current bore John Howard recently spoke out in support of his successor as leader of the parliamentary Liberal Party, 'Little Brennie' Nelson.

"There is no harder job than being leader of an opposition, it's tough, it's unrelenting. You have my total goodwill, my total support," he said.

Who cares? replied the Australian electorate, which has Nelson's standing pegged at a meagre 14% and which rates him as trailing Rudd in all key areas in the last Newspoll.

I'm still wondering why Howard thinks that his opinion matters in the looming Lib leadership battle.
After all, his 'considered' opinions lost the Coalition the last federal election.

It really gets on my wick (and I blame the current Lib leadership for indulging him in this) that post-defeat John Howard has been offering a gratuitous running commentary on Australian politics, when he so clearly undertook to be "a very quiet ex-prime minister and would not be making a running commentary".

It's time the Libs realised there is nothing so ex as an ex-prime minister - the rest of the country certainly does.

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